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  • 學生在回台灣後,寫出一篇這次的旅程的心得。

  • 想必大家都很愛照相,將自己的作品編輯呈現。

作文得獎人:台南私立長榮中學 劉沛璇同學


When I was little, I used to dream about going to England, Germany, France or any other countries in Europe. This summer, I got a chance to visit England, and I was so excited because this was my first time going on a study tour, and not only I could study with students from different countries, but also go sightseeing and take pictures of the landscapes.

After a long flight, I was very tired because it took seventeen hours to get to England. It was nearly twelve o'clock when we arrived at the airport. We then spent another two hours travelling to Bede's, the school that we will be staying for the following two weeks. It was a school of great antiquity. There were trees and grasslands on the campus, just like a small village filled with nature beauties. As the crew took us to the dormitory, I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a bridge and stream flowing through it, and the houses were just like the little cabins that appeared in the fairy tales. Inside the dormitory, there were sofas, television, and dining table. It was really like a warm and nice home. The other students came from different countries. My roommate is a German girl who is at the same age as me. Every night, we got together sharing what interesting things happened to us with each other at the house meeting time. I felt that the people in our dormitory were friendly and helpful. At the first night, I fell in a deep sleep with an excitement, and looking forward to the class and activities next day.

The schedule of the school was very different from Taiwan. Here, we have only four classes a day. After class we usually have different kinds of activities. At Bede’s, I had a lot of chances to experience many types of sports that I had never played before, such as tennis, squash, and the most interesting of all was cricket. At dinner, we usually had potatoes, pasta, salad, and fruit or jelly for dessert. My favorite time at school was dinner time because we could eat with the foreign students and talk about cultures and features from many countries. At night, we also had activities, and it was different every night. For instance, we had bowling, casino, messy game, and flag snatching. Every activity was interesting and exciting. I think that the time we spent there was wonderful.

In addition to having classes and activities at school, we went on a field trip on Wednesdays and Sundays. In London, we saw many beautiful and historical constructions, and also famous landmarks such as London Eye and Big Ben. We also visited castles that were built in the early ages. Wandering through the small town and climbing up the towers of the castles were a great opportunity to relax and appreciate the fantastic scenery.

Time flew quickly and the day for us to leave finally came. At the farewell party, we took photos and said goodbye to our friends. Although we had just known each other for two weeks, we had become true friends that we would keep in touch wherever we are. I would like to say thank you to all the teachers, staffs, and my friends at Bede’s for giving me these unforgettable memories in summer.



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